What We Believe


We believe in one eternal sovereign God who exists in three co-equal persons (The Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit). God loves each of us unconditionally.​

Jesus Christ, His Work, and The Latter Days

We believe God the Son, Jesus Christ, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary, and was fully God and fully man.  While Christ lived on Earth He lived a sinless life, died on the cross as the substitutionary sacrifice for your sin, was bodily resurrected on the third day, and ascended into heaven where He serves as high priest, intercessor, head of The Church and our advocate at the right hand of the Father, and will return and rule His Millennial Kingdom.

The Holy Spirit and His Ministry to Us

We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Living God and lives within every person from the moment they have received Christ as Savior.  The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to instruct the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come. As our helper, guide, and the paraclete who walks alongside us, He provides direction by informing us of spiritual truths from The Word.

​The Condition of Unregenerate Mankind and his Separation from God

We believe that God created man in His Image, giving mankind great value in God’s sight. Deriving from the consequences of disobedience of the first man and woman, all human beings will experience death and spiritual death (separation from God). Although human beings are capable of good works, no one can be reconciled to a holy God apart from the atoning work of Christ.


We believe that Christ’s death upon the cross was the complete atonement for man’s sin and whoever changes their erroneous view of who God and Jesus are and by faith and faith alone trust Jesus Christ as their personal savior becomes immediately a child of God. One must only believe The Gospel to receive Eternal Salvation.

The Bible and Handling Accurately The Word of Truth

We believe that the Bible is God─breathed, written by Holy Men of God as they were moved by The Holy Spirit, and is without error in its original manuscripts. The Bible is the final authority in all matters in which it speaks. The Holy Spirit through The Word perseveres in our minds which are in Christ Jesus so that we come to a fuller knowledge of Him in whom we have believed.

​The Church and the Role of The Elder Body and Gifts to the Body

We believe that The Scriptures clearly command the appointment of elders for the oversight and care of Pinnacle Church, who have the responsibility to teach and encourage the collective body. The Elder Board is to conduct its affairs with the goal of unanimity of spirit and godly love for one another. God has given a diversity of spiritual gifts to the Body for their aid and encouragement.

Church Ordinances

We believe that God through Jesus Christ has provided the church with three specific ordinances: communion, baptism, and marriage.

We believe communion with its partaking of the elements in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice. All followers of Christ are welcome to participate.

We believe baptism is performed at The Lord’s command as a public declaration of the believer’s decision to walk as a new creation in Christ.

We believe in marriage and its vows of love and honor between a man and a woman, and we encourage marriage between believers in the faith.

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